Bacon, bacon, bacon! Who doesn't love it, right?! But today, we're not going to talk about the mouthwatering food. Instead, we want to introduce you to BaKon, a lovable book character who has captured the hearts of many.
We had the amazing chance to chat with the talented and friendly creators of this adorable protagonist, Janine Masi Landreth and Leigh Ann Thompson, who have received nothing but positive feedback from readers all around the world.
Let's jump right into our conversation and discover what they had to share with us...
First off, we are so thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with you, the brilliant minds behind the beloved BaKon brand!
But before diving into the world of BaKon, could you share a little about yourselves and how you both ventured into the realm of children's book writing?
We quickly became friends after we met in 2004 while working in the corporate world together in Atlanta, Georgia. Our unique friendship was formed over having several things in common such as painting, drawing, similar jobs in the fashion industry, and the loss of our mothers who passed far too early in their lives.
After years of excelling in our careers, it was time for a change. So, we left our corporate jobs behind in the children’s clothing industry to pursue our new dream. We decided to turn our friendship into a brilliant collaboration of illustrating and writing children’s picture books. We wanted to use our artistic skills and ambitions to create something that would make our mothers proud while putting smiles on children’s faces. This led to the creation of BaKon the fun-loving pink pig!
The BaKon Brand has undoubtedly captured the hearts of children everywhere, bringing smiles and laughter along the way. As authors, what has been the most memorable moment in your careers so far? We'd love to hear about an experience that stands out to you.

Hands down it was creating and publishing our first book, Everybody Loves BaKon in 2021. It was a wonderful experience that made our friendship stronger. It was so great to be able to work together again. However, this time around, we were free to explore our creative sides and to be insanely silly while brainstorming our BaKon-inspired masterpiece. It was all a bit overwhelming at first, but we knew BaKon had to be heard. To actually reach our end goal was exciting and was a great feeling of achievement in that moment.
It is such an amazing feat, but your achievements didn’t end there! With a plethora of fantastic products now under the BaKon umbrella, if you HAD to choose just one to hold onto, which would it be and why?
We would choose our books! Once a book is published, it lives forever. The books send messages of love and kindness, and definitely leave a positive theme of friendship and inclusion on this world. BaKon's adventures are not just entertaining; they also carry valuable lessons for young readers.
BaKon, the protagonist of your books, is undeniably the epitome of coolness and cuteness combined. We are curious to know the story behind the creation of this beloved character.

We did a ton of research to understand what appeals to children and how to properly write a successful book. We would read and dissect popular children’s books. We took an online class about the craft of writing for that genre. All that aside, we really just bounced numerous ideas off of each other, jotted down all sorts of crazy ideas on paper, and most importantly laughed until our faces turned “PINK”. After a couple months, several concepts were tossed around until it finally became a reality. This led to the creation of BaKon, an adorable pink pig who embodies the values of inclusion, kindness, and love. BaKon also sports an “I Love Bacon” tee shirt mimicking the infamous “I Love NY” tee shirt. Side note, and we are both from New York state.
That didn't go unnoticed here, all the little touches are fantastic! In fact, we just adore everything about BaKon.
So, lastly, what message do you hope children will take away from immersing themselves in your enchanting book series, and what exciting plans lie ahead for BaKon in the future? We can't wait to hear more about the adventures that await this adorable character!
We really hope that children genuinely enjoy turning the pages of our stories and that our books encourage them to learn how to read. We want kids to believe they can achieve anything they put their minds toward, and to understand how important it is to spread kindness and love into this world. After all, BaKon’s friends come in all shapes, sizes and colors. BaKon is out to prove that everyone can be lovable and appreciated!
What does the future hold for BaKon? Well…BaKon will be busy this year spreading magic in our new book My Fair Bakon due out later in 2024! We will continue to write books, design clothing and build our brand until the cows come home! Until then, DREAM BIG, BE KIND, and ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!
So, that's the scoop! Turns out, the incredible duo behind BaKon are just as sweet and inspiring as the character they've brought to life! We're thrilled to hear that they have a jam-packed year ahead. We hope you had a blast getting to know them as well. Make sure to explore their brand and lend your support to their wonderful work. Until next time!
Find the books here.
With magic,
The Golden Wizard